The best interests of children are the main focus of SCADP projects in pursue of child survival, protection, development and participation. Within the rights-base approaches and the child protection international guidance, SCADP have been in contact with the Provincial Departments of Social Affairs in Prey Veng and Phnom Penh for brief discussion on child protection policy.
This Child Protection Policy of SCADP is intended for internal use only. Staff, volunteers, board and donors of SCADP are obliged to this policy during their employment, service or visit.
2.1. Rights of children are promoted in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Children (UNCRC). It describes four categories of rights:
• Survival (rights to life, birth certificates, nutrition…)
• Protection (rights to freedom from being trafficked, beaten…)
• Development (rights to family life, education, play…)
• Participation (rights to freedom of expression, association, meeting…)
2.2. To attain the above four rights, all children under the age of 18 years old are the rights holders. Their parents and guardians are the caregivers whereas the government and its authorized agencies are the duty-bearers. The rights supporters can be civil society organisations (CSO) such as NGOs, IOs, UNOs, religious groups, political parties and other public sectors.
3.1. The abuses of child rights are categorized in two types: direct abuse and indirect abuse.
• Direct abuse: This is done directly by the abuser to the child either physically or emotionally. It covers five aspects: (1) verbal abuse (sexual words, discriminatory expression, scolding…), (2) gestured abuse (sexual gesture, unloved body language, scolding sign…) (3) pictorial abuse (discriminatory posters, sexual video…), (4) physical abuse, (5) sexual abuse
• Indirect abuse: The abuser does not include in the Direct Abuse. They are just bystanders. This includes (1) Not reporting abuse when they know or see that a child is being abused, (2) Not stopping the abuse where possible.
3.2. The abusers can be SCADP staff, volunteers, board, visitors, sponsors, children’s friends and other project beneficiaries.
3.3. SCADP is entitled to protect children from the above abusers connected with SCADP projects
4.1. The field staff report abuse in the community to the commune authorities and SCADP’s Family Environment Officer (FEO). If FEO is not around in the project area, the provincial Project Manager (PM) or the Community Programme Coordinator (CPC) is the next main contact. The report can go to commune authority first or FEO/PM/CPC first depending on time availability or urgency. FEO or PM or CPC who receives the report is responsible for further facilitation, referrals and networking with district/provincial departments of police and social affairs.
4.2. If the abuse is related with SCADP visitors, sponsors or donors, the report can go directly to the Executive Director (ED) who will coordinate with their companies, donor agencies or embassies and higher level government officials for further referrals and networking.
5.1. All SCADP staff, volunteers, board, visitors and donors are not allowed to be with children alone.
5.2. All materials or gifts intended for children in the projects must be checked by a second party staff to ensure that the children are not abused either directly or indirectly (see 3.1)
5.3. All SCADP staff, volunteers, board, visitors and donors are entitled to read this child policy and get agreement before their visit or service. Children and other beneficiaries are informed of the policy verbally and pictorially.
5.4. Staff backgrounds are specifically checked with community members and local leaders before their start of work and during their work. As SCADP work with vulnerable groups including gangsters, their pasts are pasts i.e. Let bygones be bygones. SCADP only want to see their bright future, not their dark pasts.
5.5. All SCADP staff, volunteers, board, visitors and donors are entitled to report child abuses known to them during their services or visit directly to other SCADP staff or local authorities. The report can be verbal or written but SCADP staff will have it written anyway afterwards.
5.6. The abuse reporter will be kept confidential unless he or she is needed by the court.
5.7. Staff or volunteers who violate this Child Protection Policy will face disciplinary procedures of SCADP staff policy.
5.8. Further to the dissemination in 5.3, training in child rights and child protection will be provided for staff and community members gradually.
6.1. To be specific in community where SCADP works, volunteers’ network for children (VNC) has been developed. VNCs are community-based child protection groups of villagers.
6.2. VNCs will specifically train other villagers on child rights, monitor child rights situations and report any abuses.
6.3. SCADP will support staff or community members who report abuses seen or happening in the target areas.
6.4. All records or reports on child rights abuses will be kept safely at SCADP Office although the commune authorities or VNCs may have a copy.
7.1. Any child abuse report can be directed to the following SCADP staff who will intervene the case by himself or herself or will be able to refer the case to other agencies:
• Project Officer Tel: 012 833 417
• SCADP Head Office Tel: 016 544 844
Address: #119 B1, Street 68K, Chamkar Ovleuk Village, Kakab Quarter,
Posenchey District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Email: info@scadp.org.kh / scadpcambodia@hotmail.com
Website: www.scadp.org.kh
7.2. The following contact can be reached for further intervention:
• Ministry of Social Affairs
#788, Monivong Blvd, Phnom Penh
Tel: 023365469
• Child Labour Unit, Ministry of Labour
#28, Street 184, Chey Chumneas, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh
Tel: 023210614
• NGO Committee on the Rights of the Child (NGO-CRC)
#8A, Street 138, Veal Vong, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh
Tel: 023882412 Email: ch.ngocrc@online.com.kh
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